Author: wpadmin

Newsletter 4

Closing the RETAIN ME project in the best possible way:  From partner-countries’ promotional workshops to the final meeting and conference in Sweden

RETAIN ME partners never take a break! These last few weeks, partner-organisations were busy organizing their multiplier events, marking the closure of the project in each partner-country with a promotional workshop on ‘The Future of Remote Working’, in audiences of adult trainers, adult learners, HR people, decision-makers, etc. The project results, i.e. the Employer’s Toolkit – PR1, the Vulnerable Employee Toolkit – PR2, and the MOOC – PR3, which hosts PR1 and PR2 along with a Community of Practice (CoP), were presented and an opportunity was given to the participants to discuss the project achievements and provide their feedback and evaluation.

Newsletter 3

Launching RETAIN ME Toolkits on Remote Working Solutions for the Employer and the Employee

We are going through a post-covid-19 era and remote working is still the case in several working contexts. Remote working solutions remains a trendy topic, and a priority, and this is why RETAIN ME consortium is happy to announce that the resources developed on this topic are ready to use and disseminate!

Newsletter 2

RETAIN ME Virtual Networking Event for Practitioners

Taking into account the need for good practices in remote working, RETAIN ME project partners focus on meeting the needs for remote working solutions and are therefore engaged in a number of inspirational, effective and high quality initiatives.

Newsletter 1

Overview of RETAIN ME project

Remote working skills among the older population are not as prevalent as they are within the younger digital immigrant and digital native workforce. These older workers need an opportunity to build key skills for remote working if they are to stay active in the workforce.

Governments can ill afford to sustain the economic cost of a high number of able-bodied people unable to retain their employment because of an underlying health. The European Green deal and the Sustainable Development Goals propose a fairer, more equitable society where no one is left behind. RETAIN-ME project responds to those ideals and will develop remote working solutions in the form of bespoke training resources to ensure that vulnerable workers can be retained in employment.

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s)
only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and
Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible
for them. Project number 2021-1-SE01-KA220-VET-000032922

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